So Conner Floyd Hasn’t been in the credits for 2 days now which means he is off-contract.
They will never really use him recurring so essentially he’ll be off the show soon like Noah etc.
I knew they would get rid of him because they want Devon to be the Chancellor even though he isn’t one. I’m done watching this mess. I’ll bet they are taking Chancellor from Jill and giving it to Mamie & Family
quite a few threads on this …but nothing official that Connor Floyd is gone
They never say anything official. But if he was on contract he would be in the credits.
I see on his instagram page he’s modeling Bolivia(?) watchs.
I noticed they weren’t really including him in stories.
I will wait and see, he was on contract, so at some point they will post recast of character or totally gone
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Nothing is officially reported. Mariah and Elena are listed as contract but they’re not. Unless it’s confirmed by CF or SOD, can’t jump to conclusions
Griffith loves getting rid of the handsome, younger men.
I did google …nothing about his leaving
so until something is posted in coming and goings I will not agree he has been let go
He was in a scene the past week with Nate and Devon. I haven’t seen anything online that he is leaving. Sometimes the credits only show the characters in the current storylines. However, Chance is part of the CW storyline somewhat.
We are so MALE character lacking…It seems that our show will end up being Victor and Jack and JGriffith can write for Nikki, Chelsea, Diane, Claire with Sharon, Phyllis, Sally playing bit parts
The departure of Connor as Chance is really upsetting
Zina21 May 9, 2024, 10:26pm 12Is it definite that Conner left the show?
Who knows…JG seems unable to write for males (with the exception of Jack and Victor) It is SO upsetting
Could it be that his contract has expired and they are still negotiating a new one?
Nope. He was just on this week.
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I don’t really look at the credits …
so Connor Floyd not listed
we haven’t seen much of Mariah / is Gamryn listed???
we haven’t seen Elena / is Brytni listed?
He has no purpose on the show since he became part of Chancellor. Nobody cares about him and Summer. He needs to catch the eye of another woman and knock some sense into Summer. Maybe send Diane’s niece to GC for a new job. That would pit Diane against Phyllis which would be interesting and give Kyle a family member who is not an Abbott.
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He has a purpose for me as part of Chancellor-Winters. He wants to hold the company together instead of tearing it apart. And he could make a better pairing with Lily than Billy did.
Yep both Brytni and Cam are listed
I was thinking that too and he has been on the show for 3 years